Thursday, November 05, 2009

So many options...

At Jamestown College, it was quite possible to literally attend every single concert or recital put on by the music department, and still have time to do homework, work, and go to every concert in the community as well.  When it came time for a student recital, everyone involved in the music program attended, along all of their friends and family.  It was a great support system.  When Tab and I gave our recital last year, we almost filled Voorhees Chapel at JC. 

It is physically impossible to attend every music performance at CU.  I'm not kidding you when I say that.  There are undergrad junior recitals, senior recitals, Master of Music recitals, Doctor of Music recitals, faculty recitals, guest recitals, master classes, and ensemble concerts.  And it's not just voice, it's instrumental, too.  There are recitals in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.  There is an entire bulletin board that's completely covered from top to bottom with upcoming concert programs.  It's unbelieveable.

Lately, I've been attending lots and lots of concerts and recitals.  The main reason that I go is to support my friends.  One extra face in the audience is always helpful.  Plus, I hope that when I have recitals they will come to mine.  But there are lots of reasons to attend recitals.  First of all, watching other people perform can help you to learn about recital practices: bowing, recognizing your pianist, where to stand, etc.  That's easy stuff. 

Another advantage to attending lots of recitals is learning from other people's mistakes.  When people do things during their recital that you hate, you can learn to avoid them.  For example, I learned not to wear a dress with a slit up to my waist, because it would make me look trashy. 

One of the best things for me, having no experience in the classical music area, is learning common repertoire.  It's great to become more familiar with frequently-performed music to learn what I like and don't like, and what I want to sing and don't want to sing. 

I'm going to continue to be active in attending music performances, even though it's time-consuming and sometimes not the most fun thing in the world.  I enjoy being busy, and I enjoy hanging out with people at concerts. 

But my favorite part is listening to amazing performers.  There are so so so many talented people that it puts me into my place.  It makes me remember how hard I'll have to work if I really want to make it in this business.  Scary, but a great eye-opener...

Yay for performers.  We're a different breed.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Raissa. It's quite a move from Medora to Colorado but I know you've adjusted well. Thanks for the heads up on your space!

    Jeff J.
