Thursday, September 17, 2009

Potential ND Visitor

My. theory. teacher. is. hilarious. 

I'm not sure what it is about him, exactly, but he's just cooky.  And hilarious.  I can't even explain it, so you can't really understand it.  Maybe someday I'll tape a class and post something funny so that you can try to understand...


I have too many shirts that say "Medora Musical," "Badlands Entertainment," "North Dakota," "The Greatest Show in the West," etc., etc., etc.  You get the point.

I chose to wear one such shirt to my 8:00 am Theory class last week.  We were going around the small auditorium, taking turns answering Professor Miller's questions.  When it came to me, he stopped class and said, "What does your shirt say?  Musical what?"

I smiled and said, "Medora Musical."

"What's that?"  He innocently asked.

I replied, "Medora is the number one tourist destination in North Dakota.  It features a musical review nightly at 8:30 pm June through September."

He got this really happy look on his face and exclaimed, "Are you from North Dakota?" 


"Oh, good!" he exclaimed.  "Now I can say I know someone from North Dakota!  Will you take me there sometime?  What is there to do there?"

"Umm... nothing, but sure I'll take you there."


The whole class was simply enthralled by this conversation, and it took up about 5 minutes of class time.  Totally worth it to advertise for my favorite place and to get more people to come to ND.

For the record, he's not the first person who's told me he wants to visit ND... WOOT!

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